Blogs > Troy Talk

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Friday, January 30, 2009

City Hall bids

A total of six bids were received by the city Thursday for the retrofitting of the Verizon building on Sixth Avenue as the temporary new City Hall.

Bids were submitted from the following companies:

Finelli Construction, Inc.

HCP Architects

BCI Construction Inc.

Bast Hatfield Inc.

Al Mugrace

VMJR Companies

Details on the bids were not yet available, but keep watching Troy Talk and The Record for further information.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't Troy renovate 701 River Street?? I saw it in the auction paper up for bid...Since they already own it, wouldn't it make more sense to fix that up and sublet extra space to other businesses like they do in Saratoga? There is all that parking behind it and it would also help to clean up that neighborhood...Just a thought...Also, what about the old Leonard Hospital?

February 20, 2009 at 12:50 PM 

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