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Friday, October 30, 2009

City Hall update

The following is an excerpt from Mayor Harry Tutunjian's Message on the city's Web site which was posted Thursday concerning where the city currently stands with City Hall.

According to city spokesman Jeff Pirro, while there is not yet a definitive date established for the move to the former Verizon Building on Sixth Avenue, officials hope to make the move soon.


To that end, the vision to transform the current City Hall property into an attractive architectural masterpiece and riverfront public space has commenced. An internationally recognized firm, Sasaki Associates, has been hired to fine tune our vision for the most important site in our City. It is with great excitement and anticipation that we wait to see what will come. It is with a sense of relief we pack our offices and begin our long awaited move to the site of the temporary City Hall on Sixth Avenue.

Every journey begins with a first step, and this step has had its share of opposition and delay. The much talked about elevator has been installed and the building is being reviewed to make sure it is code compliant before we move in. We had hoped to be in sooner and we were faced with situations beyond our control, situations you face when you are a tenant, not the owner. We lived up to our contractual obligations and are confident that we will be reimbursed for our lost time and rent. I believe that in the end it will have been worth it. We will have a place to efficiently run City government and the people will have a stunning new development to compliment Monument Square.

We have proven that plans can become reality. I hope that you continue to believe in us and take pride in the good things happening in your City.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints, please do not hesitate to call me (518) 270-4401 or e-mail the Mayor’s Office."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Further discussion on Doyle reconstruction

TROY – The Board of Education will hold a public meeting tonight to further discuss a nearly $50 million renovation project proposed for Doyle Middle School.

The board’s Facilities Committee will meet following a Finance Committee meeting to speak about the district’s options surrounding an extensive renovation for the middle school which could also include upgrades of Troy High School’s athletic fields.

Based on the way the district plans to structure the repayment of its debt, officials are anticipating only a “minor tax impact, if any,” according to Board of Education Vice President Anne Wager-Rounds. Proposed financing for the project is currently dependent on annual state building aid as well as a $3.4 million state EXCEL grant.

The board must decide between options to move students to one of the district’s elementary schools, move some of them to the high school, or to contrast modular classrooms for at least half of the student body.

However, leaving even half of the students in the building during partial construction could extend the project time from 19 to 30 months, according to consultants working on the project.

Public input is encouraged.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the media center at Doyle Middle School, located at 1976 Burdett Ave.