Troy resident wants new name for BID, Collaborative
From the looks of the e-mail, Herrick sent it without consulting BID director Elizabeth Young, saying that he hopes she will "take the e-mail and run with it."
In the e-mail, Herrick writes that the terms "BID" and "Collaborative" are boring, and that a new name should be created that would represent the vibrancy of downtown and to match the city's new logo (above).
There have been no public e-mail responses to Herrick's call to action -- from Young, the city or any other Troy resident -- with suggestions for a new name or even opinions on whether the name needs to be changed at all.
What do you think? Does the Downtown BID need a new name? If so, what should it be?
Below is the e-mail sent by Herrick in its entirety.
Perhaps I'm jumping the gun and trying to be positive about Troy and I hope that Elizabeth Young takes this e-mail and runs with it.Now that the Troy BID has being established lets build on this success and have a contest to create a new name and BID identity that reflects the focus of the new BID’s mission. The BID’s new role in recruiting, retaining and developing businesses downtown is to say the least exciting but don’t ya think that BID and Collaborative are kinda boring names?
The Troy Downtown Collaborative and the Troy BID names will not go away because that's their legal name. What I am suggesting is that Downtown start looking for a new name to basically express everything great that's happening in downtown Troy. The new Troy logo is colorful and alive and really represents everything that we are and what we do for downtown Troy.
We have great talent in Troy, great experienced marketing and communications firms and great long time downtown businesses that can develop a new name using the City’s new logo.
Mayor Tutunjian I’m sure will join in this challenge and I hope that an effort to create new name and identity can emerge for the BID and Collaborative that can be more meaningful to Troy residents.
Again, lets create a new name to reflect Downtown’s greatness and on-going comeback.
The challenge is here so let the contest begin.
Labels: BID, downtown, Troy Downtown Collaborative
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