More of those "Troy, NY" Facebook Page emails
In case your curious, linked below are the four emails sent from Councilman Ken Zalewski, D-District 5, to city spokesperson Jeff Pirro regarding the "Troy, NY" Facebook Page controversy.
Zalewski Facebook emails (1)
Zalewski Facebook emails (2)
Zalewski Facebook emails (3)
Zalewski Facebook emails (1)
Zalewski Facebook emails (2)
Zalewski Facebook emails (3)
Labels: City Council, Pirro, Zalewski
Is it just me, or is this a foolish waste of time? Get a life fellas, outside the cyber world.
You wouldn't think that it's a foolish waste of time if you were the person who was banned from posting, so please don't trivialize it.
You either support my right to post, or you don't. I know that you're quite active on Facebook, so just consider for a moment if you were no longer allowed to comment. Would that seem fair?
I have approached Jeff on several occasions to discuss this, in person, man to man.
He has nothing to say, and walks away.
If Jeff cannot approach his job in an apolitical manner, then the job should be given to someone who can.
I know you see this - and I know you understand.
How about helping to resolve the situation before the Council meeting. I don't want to have to give this any more attention than it has garnered, but I have no problem doing so.
The public is on the side of free speech.
i too was banned from posting on the mayors troy new york propaganda page. i did not use vulgar language or disrespect anyone in any manner. what i did do was point out the fact that if anyone comes up with an idea other than the mayor, its a bad idea. apparently someone didnt like that so i was banned. then i logged in under my sons name to ask why i was banned from posting and got banned under his name as well, isnt this america, i guess we are not entitled to free speach if it dissagrees with our camera loving mayors point of view
vito,put the pom poms away, you sound like a fool
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